Sunday, December 12, 2010

True To My Queen

[From thoughts of letter writing as an admiring 8-year-old boy in 1962.]

To Queen Elizabeth II, our New Zealand Head of State.

Your Majesty, My Queen;
You fill my heart with love and I hope you remember my name.

Of all the Queens that there have been
None have graced the face of the earth
With sovereign beauty and radiance supreme
To compare with that which in your person is seen.

As through the years of commotion I struggle against my foes,
Every breath that wins its place in your correct repose
Refines special meaning to the passage of space and time
And suffers me to be that admiring author who should labour for the Word divine,
The One that comforts us, and rehabilitates our faith sublime.

You expect your loyal subjects to use their gifts and talents,
To be diligent and honest in service to their Queen;
Assuredly not one obsequious toadie or impudent pretender,
Has a clue about the pressures
Which intrude upon your scene.

But always believe, I pray my Queen,
In the event that the flame of my love dies,
Still my beholding heart will be filled
With an earnest love that needs no flame,
As compass true to you, Elizabeth,
I Lord Michael remain.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Travel Integers Magnetically Electrified

Remnants of the ageing past persist in resistance,
 And focus in protest,
 Determined to dwell forever in the juvenescence of the dawning present
 Historically they inhabit this everpresent reality of our Continued Daily Existence;
The constant domain of endurance with which we are all familiar.

Evicted from pride of place as unfolders of the future,
These artefacts, these relics, these memories,
These halls of history magnetically contained in space and time,
Saturate Presentive Atoms Circulating Electrons,
Travel Integers Magnetically Electrified,
Move Constantly Forward
Faster than photons of light towards infinity.

The time signals they radiate are consumed in fractions of a second as fuel for further adhesion to nothing,
Invisible in the folded future.

We exhaust the past as time that is spent in our pursuit of time that is new.

We proceed with the present as time which counts towards possible points of view.

While remnants of the ageing past face eventual extinction,
The enclosed domain of simultaneous equality they still inhabit remains real,

And sometimes boring,

 With relative electives of front and back, left and right, above and below,
 centred on now.
While energies of the present extrapolate prospects of the future,
entrust your continued daily existence in this vast expanse of space, time, energy and matter,
completely to the mercies of God.


(Philol.) Bringing a conception or notion directly before the mind; presenting an object to the memory of imagination; - distinguished from symbolic.
How greatly the word "will" is felt to have lost presentive power in the last three centuries.
- Earle.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.