Riddle me this and riddle me that,
Why did the cat in the hat come back?
He came to ask Sam for some green eggs and ham,
But I see that you still don't know who I am.
Puzzle me this and laugh if you wish,
My British cousin is like a big fish.
Helen Clark likes to get on with a meeting,
But she looks at a menu to see what she's eating.
Let riddle and rhyme be a sign of the time,
Let puzzle and pun help the Emperor's son,
Let metaphor be the heart of the matter,
And allegory clothe both former and latter.
When I tell you this secret how long will you keep it?
In truth will you know how to speak it?
When I see on the box my friend the smart fox,
Will he be willing to carefully repeat it?
Dark forces kidnapped and drove me insane,
And I've been in real pain as I've tried to explain,
That my D.N.A. is that which I gain,
From an unbroken line back to King Charlemagne.
Camilla will see a caterpillar pupate,
And then she will know what to sing.
Charles will have butterflies of a kind,
And then he will know he's the king.
Jacqueline Iris Coldham-Fussell and Jillian Rose Greening are twins,
If they stand on a hill, how much water will spill,
As my triple crown reign begins?
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© 2005
© 2005
Motto of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath:
"Tria In Juncta In Uno"